Information Technology

Building scalable web applications to a Windows IIS farm? Here is the solution to replicating the IIS metabase, SSL certs, Bindings, and code.

Web Deploy 3.5, the answer to scalability with web farms. Similar to the use of Chef or Puppet, you can use Web Deploy 3.5 to push web server configuration and content to all you web servers in your farm. Previously i used IISCnfg to handle this back in the IIS6 days, but haven’t needed to do …

Quickly determine the largest folders on your computer using powershell

  Need to determine where your disk space went? copy the following into a file named files.ps1 create a new folder named scripts and save this file in that folder (c:\scripts\files.ps1) ————————————————————————————- # Loops through each directory recursively in the current directory and lists its size. # Children nodes of parents are tabbed function getSizeOfFolders($Parent, …