I have had this issue from time to time, mostly when running SSD drives on Hyper-V hosts with limited storage (EG: 146GB or so) Running this command free’s up like 4GB or more. so it can be a lifesaver when you are running too lean. The real fix is larger partitions for the OS. We …
Issue Want to remove the ‘Microsoft XPS Document Writer’ printer Resolution To remove the ‘Microsoft XPS Document Writer’ printer within Windows Server 2008, run the following command: cscript C:\Windows\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prnmngr.vbs -d -p “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” This command can be used for any other local printer that needs to be removed, eg. ‘Send to OneNote’
Wow, The USA must be slipping, India beat us to creating the worlds first smartphone for the blind. The surface of the device uses shape memory technology and raises to form into text, pictures and braille. Ok this has to be the coolest thing i have ever heard of. Read the whole story here: …
Ran into this on my current engagement, here is the rundown: source server windows 2008 (non R2) Destination Windows 2008 R2 Robocopy with the following commands: robocopy \\”source server”\E$\”source path” \\”destination server”\d$\”destination path” /e /mir /XD “$RECYCLE.BIN” “System Volume Information” “pagefile.sys” /sec /MON:1 /np /mt /tee /log:c:\logs\backup_log.txt I used the version of robocopy …
If you need a crashdump to troubleshoot an issue with Windows that isn’t resulting in BSOD (lets say your logon does not complete and hangs on “loading user settings” or some such madness) you can use this process to force a crashdump for analysis. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff545499(v=vs.85).aspx please don’t use this to toy with your junior …
I ran across this article this morning, read it here, or follow the link to slashdot http://slashdot.org/topic/datacenter/wozniaks-predictions-for-2013-the-data-center-mobility-and-beyond/ Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak predicts great things for data centers in 2013, along with an interesting take on BYOD. Tech icon Steve Wozniak has come forward with several predictions for 2013, with data center technologies an important …
Godaddy went down this morning (around 10:30am) and with it took down millions of sites. Apparently this was caused by Anonymous. Read about it here: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-godaddy-sites-down-20120910,0,3446985.story Also here: http://twitter.com/GoDaddy and here: http://techcrunch.com/2012/09/10/godaddy-outage-takes-down-millions-of-sites/ I have been monitoring the DNS related woes and it appears that the DNS is back online and replicating (at …
Ran across this today: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX116357 Summary This article describes how to configure Web Interface to launch certain applications in Windowed mode. Background You might run into problematic applications that do not work properly when launched seamlessly. You might want to disable seamless for these applications but launch the rest of the applications seamlessly. This …
So Microsoft decided to build a tablet running ARM hardware and Windows 8 RT, I’m actually excited to play with one of these. They have also created a version running x86 hardware and Windows 8 Pro with much more powerful hardware. Watch the video here: http://www.microsoft.com/surface/en/us/default.aspx Apparently there are two different covers, a touch type …
Ok, i ran across this video today of someone subjecting the screen to repeated blows by a hammer and nail. I am not sure if this is real, but i can say my Lumia is very durable, since i have had this phone i have not dropped it, but I’ve had it in my pocket …