List of executable file types for Windows, Linux, and OSX




In my consulting projects and by peer I am often asked for a list of executable file types. At times this is used to create a file screen to prevent potentially dangerous file types from being uploaded to a service or web site. At other times it is used to filter mail for dangerous email attachments. I realized I never put this up here, so I am creating this post so I do not have to dig through emails to find my list.

Some of these are very dangerous while others may contain macros which can execute code, or download additional scripts without user intervention. use your best judgment when blocking these file types.

Extension Format Program
0XE Renamed Virus File F-Secure Internet Security
73K TI-73 Application TI Connect
89K TI-89 Application TI Connect
A6P Authorware 6 Program File Adobe Authorware
AC GNU Autoconf Script Autoconf
ACC GEM Accessory File Gemulator
ACR ACRobot Script ACRobot
ACTM AutoCAD Action Macro AutoCAD
AHK AutoHotkey Script AutoHotkey
AIR Adobe AIR Installation Package Adobe AIR
APP FoxPro Application Visual FoxPro
ARSCRIPT ArtRage Script ArtRage Studio
AS Adobe Flash ActionScript File Adobe Flash
ASB Alphacam Stone VB Macro Alphacam
AZW2 Kindle Active Content App File Kindle Collection Manager
BEAM Compiled Erlang File Erlang
BTM 4DOS Batch File 4DOS
CEL Celestia Script Celestia
CELX Celestia Script Celestia
CHM Compiled HTML Help File Firefox, IE, Safari
CRT Security Certificate Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari
DEK Eavesdropper Batch File Eavesdropper
DLD EdLog Compiled Program Edlog
DMC Medical Manager Script Sage Medical Manager
DOCM Word Macro-Enabled Document Microsoft Word
DOTM Word Macro-Enabled Template Microsoft Word
DXL Rational DOORS Script Rational DOORS
EAR Java Enterprise Archive File Apache Geronimo
EBS E-Run 1.x Script E-Prime (v1)
EBS2 E-Run 2.0 Script E-Prime (v2)
ECF SageCRM Component File SageCRM
EHAM ExtraHAM Executable HAM Programmer Toolkit
ELF Nintendo Wii Game File Dolphin Emulator
ES SageCRM Script SageCRM
EX4 MetaTrader Program File MetaTrader
EXOPC ExoPC Application EXOfactory
EZS EZ-R Stats Batch Script EZ-R Stats
FAS Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File AutoCAD
FKY FoxPro Macro Visual FoxPro
FPI FPS Creator Intelligence Script FPS Creator
FRS Flash Renamer Script Flash Renamer
FXP FoxPro Compiled Program Visual FoxPro
GS Geosoft Script Oasis Montaj
HAM HAM Executable Ham Runtime
HMS HostMonitor Script HostMonitor
HPF HP9100A Program File HP9100A Emulator
HTA HTML Application Internet Explorer
IIM iMacro Macro iMacros (Firefox Add-on)
IPF SMS Installer Script Microsoft SMS
ISP Internet Communication Settings Microsoft IIS
JAR Java Archive Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari
JS JScript Executable Script Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari
JSX ExtendScript Script Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit
KIX KiXtart Script KiXtart
LO Interleaf Compiled Lisp File QuickSilver
LS LightWave LScript File LightWave
MAM Access Macro-Enabled Workbook Microsoft Access
MCR 3ds Max Macroscript or Tecplot Macro 3ds Max
MEL Maya Embedded Language File Maya 2013
MPX FoxPro Compiled Menu Program Visual FoxPro
MRC mIRC Script mIRC
MS 3ds Max Script 3ds Max
MS Maxwell Script Maxwell Render
MXE Macro Express Playable Macro Macro Express
NEXE Chrome Native Client Executable Chrome
OBS ObjectScript Script ObjectScript
ORE Ore Executable Ore Runtime Environment
OTM Outlook Macro Microsoft Outlook
PEX ProBoard Executable ProBoard BBS
PLX Perl Executable ActivePerl or Microsoft IIS
POTM PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template Microsoft PowerPoint
PPAM PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Add-in Microsoft PowerPoint
PPSM PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint
PPTM PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint
PRC Palm Resource Code File Palm Desktop
PVD Instalit Script Instalit
PWC PictureTaker File PictureTaker
PYC Python Compiled File Python
PYO Python Optimized Code Python
QPX FoxPro Compiled Query Program Visual FoxPro
RBX Rembo-C Compiled Script Rembo Toolkit
ROX Actuate Report Object Executable eReport
RPJ Real Pac Batch Job File Real Pac
S2A SEAL2 Application SEAL
SCA Scala Script Scala Designer
SCB Scala Published Script Scala Designer
SCRIPT Generic Script Original Scripting Engine1
SMM Ami Pro Macro Ami Pro
SPR FoxPro Generated Screen File Visual FoxPro
TCP Tally Compiled Program Tally Developer
THM Thermwood Macro Mastercam
TLB OLE Type Library Microsoft Excel
TMS Telemate Script Telemate
UDF Excel User Defined Function Microsoft Excel
UPX Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
URL Internet Shortcut Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari
VLX Compiled AutoLISP File AutoCAD
VPM Vox Proxy Macro Vox Proxy
WCM WordPerfect Macro WordPerfect
WIDGET Yahoo! Widget Yahoo! Widgets
WIZ Microsoft Wizard File Microsoft Word
WPK WordPerfect Macro WordPerfect
WPM WordPerfect Macro WordPerfect
XAP Silverlight Application Package Micrsoft Silverlight
XBAP XAML Browser Application Firefox, IE
XLAM Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In Microsoft Excel
XLM Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook Microsoft Excel
XLSM Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook Microsoft Excel
XLTM Excel Macro-Enabled Template Microsoft Excel
XQT SuperCalc Macro CA SuperCalc
XYS XYplorer Script XYplorer
ZL9 Renamed Virus File ZoneAlarm

I also block the following file types from email, based on legacy concerns.







And usually block compressed files such as:







hope that helps