Wall Plate USB charger! Plug in your devices directly into the wall!

  I saw this article on LifeHacker today:http://lifehacker.com/5883723/upgrade-a-wall-outlet-to-charge-usb-devices?tag=diy I will be buying a few of these for the house when i move to Texas! For more information on a simple product you can install without any electrical know how, visit the product page below: http://rcaaudiovideo.com/power/chargingstations/?sku=WP2UWR   here is another option: http://fastmac.com/usocket.php    

Apple to compete with Intel PC’s by selling direct to Corporate customers

Just read this article this am, It looks like Apple is attempting to compete with microsoft, by forming a division that sells directly to corporate customers. I know a company that already does this, Curtis Ziak http://www.linkedin.com/pub/curtis-z/5/166/768 . When i was supporting Electric Visual, a purveyor of Sunglass and snowboarding goggles, i met Curtis as …

Engineered Stomach Microbe Converts Seaweed Into Ethanol

Read the full article over at Scientific American here: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=genetically-engineered-stomach-microbe-turns-seaweed-into-ethanol&page=2 A genetically modified strain of common gut bacteria may lead to a new technology for making biofuels that does not compete with food crops for arable acreage. Researchers at Bio Architecture Lab, Inc., (BAL) and the University of Washington in Seattle have now taken the …

“Search plus your World”.

some reading http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Search-Engines/Googles-Personal-Search-May-Warrant-FTC-Scrutiny-EPIC-232034/ http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/12/google_search_plus_your_world/ http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=65642 It looks like this is a new extension on social search, alot of people are up in arms, i have not formed an opinion yet, however it looks cool at this point Watch a video to learn more about Social Search see the page on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%2B Further design developments …