control windows8 with your eyes…?

Read this article to get a quick idea about the possibilities and see the video they posted.   sorry it took me so long to post more about this. i have been a little taxed for time lately, my apologies. i read an article that expanded a bit more on this over on the …

Microsoft releases patch for HashDos Vulnerability!

I received this in an email on the 29th of December: in case the link is broken, here is the text: ALERT: Microsoft Releases Patch for HashDos Vulnerability December 29, 2011 Happy almost New Year! In response to some recent developments around a known vulnerability targeting .NET, Microsoft made the bold decision to issue …

Texas vacation…

It has been awhile since i had a real Vacation. This christmas we are spending time with family in the dallas fort worth area. We drove here straight , only stopping for fuel and food. Total drive time was around 23 hours. It wasnt too hard since we decided to leave early and switch drivers …

My dream car!

ok, my all time favorite car is the 1970’s 240z from Nissan. I found this video tonight where some guy put a mercedes diesel dohc engine (om606) into an old Z. I also found where an LD28 diesel motor out of a Nissan Maxima was swapped in. sorry that the last one has …