How to disable Internet Explorer Compatibility mode for Intranet Zone

IE compatibility mode causes some weird behavior for some websites, i had a recent request to disable this feature for our Citrix users. We use RES workspace manager to control user experience, so this request was to make this possible without creating a GPO and to only have it apply to a specific group. In the end the change was quite simple, the following Hkey current user setting controls this behavior.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation"\  AllSitesCompatibilityMode (REG_DWORD) = "0"
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation"\  IntranetCompatibilityMode (REG_DWORD) = "0"


You can use the “AllSitesCompatibilityMode” entry to disable compatibility mode for all sites, or the Intranetcompatibilitymode entry to only disable compatibility mode for sites in the Intranet zone.