I bought some reusable wire ties from MicroCenter (GearTie was the brand i bought: http://www.ebay.com/itm/GEARTIE-REUSABLE-rubber-twist-tie-/131065447831?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e841c0597) and cleaned up my cabling quite a bit. In retrospect, it was not very inexpensive and i was thinking there had to be a better alternative. Today on Lifehacker i ran across a DIY showing how to make your own reusable wire ties and i thought i would share.
Here is what i bought from ebay to make my own:
550 7 Strand Type III Mil-Spec Survival Paracord – 10′, 25′, 50′, 100′ 200 colors and counting MADE IN USA Free Fast Shipping!
I chose the Acid Purple
40 Feet of Aluminum Ground Wire NIP Radio Shack #15-035
Here is what is should look like when completed (mine will be purple though)
I will post some pictures once i make mine, i went with the Acid purple paracord, since i thought it was different. You can buy a large number of colors from that vendor. I will keep some of these in my toolbox and some will get used in my entertainment center.
Feel free to comment on other inexpensive cable management solutions.