Hedge fund star calls for Microsoft’s Ballmer to go…

(Reuters) – Influential hedge fund manager David Einhorn has called for Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Steve Ballmer to step down, saying the world’s largest software company’s long-time leader is stuck in the past.

He says Microsoft is stuck in the past…  I don’t agree with this. i am far from a Microsoft evangelist, however, the Microsoft of the past no longer exists. They are breaking ground in several areas, cloud based applications, virtualization and Datacenter Management. As well as unprecedented (for Microsoft) support for opensource projects.  the latest case of this is Microsoft Hyper-V officially supporting Centos for virtual guests. releasing the Hyper-V integration services to opensource. One statement did grab my attention, “An investor who put $100,000 into Microsoft stock 10 years ago would now have about $69,000 worth.”

Read the full story here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/25/us-microsoft-idUSTRE74O8BQ20110525