My advice to Microsoft on Windows 8.

OK, Microsoft i admit it. Windows 7 is awesome. Windows 8 has the potential to be even awesomer (is that even a word?) You want to continue to grow as a company, and make your shareholders profit? you have a very simple step you need to take. GIVE AWAY YOUR PC OPERATING SYSTEM! Sorry for shouting, but i wanted to get your attention. Setup a real APP Store and while you are at it, link to the Android market so PC users can install angry birds ( Yes i know i can install chrome, but i refuse ) just take your existing XBOX Live store, and your Zune Marketplace and combine it into a real place. Next charge 50% of what apple charges developers to offer software in the store (currently 30%)  and you have a revenue stream you don’t currently have. One that will dwarf what you make from windows 7 sales.


I love Ubuntu 11. Apple OSX is OK,  but windows 7 is still a better Operating System and I’m sure windows 8 will be an improvement over windows 7.

Come on, you can still charge business owners for windows 7 for the Business or Pro version, just give it away to home users!  pretty please?! i hate iTunes so much and i would stop using it cold turkey if you just had something better.

You just need to beat apple to the punch. With talk of apple transitioning OSX users to IOS, you may not have much time:


And here is some simple advice to Apple…  stop restricting your OSX to just apple hardware, your operating system works well enough on everything from ATOM based systems to your average PC. stop being such a jerk and let people install it on more platforms.


i mean, i can legally install windows7 on a Mac and not have any issues from Microsoft. Stop being evil and get over yourself.

