i thought this was pretty funny so i wanted to post for you guys to have a peek at as well. not sure of the origin, but i was given this by a coworker today. Enjoy!
Similar to 3D printers used in prototyping that use layers of resin, this printer uses chocolate instead. The result is precise edible designs made of Chocolate!!! Obviously retailers would love to buy these and make all sorts of custom chocolates. Think of the possibilities! forget simple designs and words, how about faces, animals, places etc. …
what a tease, i wish i had more information to share, but this is the email i got from Lytro in response to my reserving a camera on the website. http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c17b6faf056b275544863ecdd&id=8695e6dfd5&e=517ee016f8 It does have some video demo’s i thought you would like, so enjoy without having to reserve a camera. =) Hopefully more details come …
Apparently new species of life are showing up in the Philippine Archipelago. According to Terrence Gosliner, “The Philippines is one of the hottest of the hotspots for diverse and threatened life on Earth,” Terrence Gosliner is the dean of science and research collections at the California Academy of Sciences and leader of the 2011 Philippine …
“Nintendo announced a new videogame console called the WiiU that plays high-definition graphics and features a 6.2-inch touchscreen on its controller, improving on its hit Wii.” Read the full story on Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/07/us-videogames-nintendo-idUSTRE7564TY20110607 Do i care? no. Microsoft Xbox360 has won the battle. Game over Nintendo and Sony. however, i still love my Wii …
Epic Management’s Network Engineer Matt Steele proposed to his girlfriend, Jenny on Sunday the 22nd in a pretty cool way. The story would make good cinema and i give Matt props for the idea and execution. After a day of running around in “The amazing Race” he then went to a small secluded beach near …
I have started doing some suspension maintenance and i have realized i have a long way to go until i am happy with the car. I had some severe front end wobble that turned out to be worn tie-rod ends as well as a messed up center drag link and steering damper. I had those …
So since some idiot totaled my 2000 Jetta GLS TDI, i decided to go in a different direction as far as a replacement car. I purchased a 1986 Mercedes 300SDL with 170k on the clock. Black with Silver two tone paint. We flew into SFO airport and drove the car back to southern california. It …
check it out, a local Co-Op in Southwestern Riverside Ca. http://prometheanbiofuels.com/default.htm
Nokero N200 A Water Proof solar powered light bulb. Ok, this totally is cool. imagine, you are on a mission tip in a remote area, and need lighting for those late nights digging trenches in the forest… or just for your porch keeping a well lit area without impacting your electric bill. whatever the case, …